Meet GEC’24 Invited Speakers!
Anna Szlavi is a postdoctoral researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. Her research focuses on gender balance and intersectionality in computing, bringing together social sciences and computer sciences. She is the Young Researcher and Innovator Coordinator at Horizon Europe project EUGAIN (European Network for Gender Balance in Informatics), and Work Package Leader in Erasmus+ project Women STEM Up, both of which aims to contribute to a better gender inclusion in computing.
The Power of Community and Role Models – Increasing Gender Balance in Computing in Europe
Abstract: Central to this conference, gender balance will be the topic of this workshop with a special focus on practical tools and interventions. We will first have an overview of a 4-year European intervention project whose aim has been to make computing more inclusive and open to women by creating a community and network. We will learn about the main findings and best practices, as well as look at tools to increase diversity, inclusion, and equity in the field. In the second half of the workshop, we will have an interactive session concentrating on the importance of role models in this effort.